
About us

Wir sind Berne (WI), Elisabeth (WI), Johannes (WI), Lukas (WI), Marco (WI) und Peter (WI) die Studierendenvertung der Fakultät WI.

Wir kümmern uns um die Herausforderungen, mit denen die Studierenden konfrontiert sind und helfen dabei, eine Lösung zu finden, indem wir als Brücke zwischen den Studierenden und der Universitätsleitung dienen.

We appreciate your contribution, as we enjoin everyone to freely approach us and table your ideas so that together we can ensure the progress of our faculty as well as the University. We are also currently looking for mentors for first-year students (Ersti-Mentoring), semester speaker (for each study-year group), student ambassadors and student representatives for the next semester. Your membership and contribution would be greatly appreciated. Be one of us we need you.

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